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「幽默行銷」快速走紅的流量秘密|Humour in Marketing

商業廣告有時會很煩人,每個人都喜歡看製作精良、搞笑的廣告。根據評論公司 Clutch 進行的一項調查,觀察到超過一半的消費者表示他們最有可能記住並喜歡有趣的廣告。幽默在數字營銷中顯示出極其有效和重要的作用,但它也是一種難以處理的東西。



Commercial advertisements can be annoying sometimes, everyone loves to watch well-made and funny advertisements. According to a survey conducted by the review firm, Clutch, it is observed that over half of the consumers say they are most likely to remember and enjoy an advertisement if it’s funny. Humor shows an extremely effective and important effect when it comes to digital marketing, yet it is also something that is complicated to handle.

You might ask: what exactly makes something funny? With reference to the Benign Violation Theory, humor is something that must be accepted by social norms and relatively harmless to make us laugh.

Some common approaches to the use of humor in marketing are provided below for a better understanding. Read to find out more!

1. Memes 廣告 Memes是有趣的圖像、視頻或短文本,本質上是幽默的。它們可以吸引客戶的注意力並為品牌製造噪音,公司必須利用當前流行的模因和最近的熱門話題,以免它成為一時的時尚。使用Memes創建幽默的內容可以向客戶展示公司是新潮的,以拉近與客戶之間的距離。 以英國在線零售商 Very 為例,他們定期在 Instagram 帳戶上發布表情包與客戶互動。在這篇文章中,客戶可以將他們的個人經歷與Memes聯繫起來。

1. Advertisement with memes

Memes are entertaining images, videos or short texts that are humorous in nature. They can grab attention from customers and create noises for brands, it is essential for companies to take advantage of current trending memes and the recent hot topic before it becomes a passing fad. Using memes to create humorous content can show the customers that the company is up to date, understand their customers well and bring customers closer together.

Take reference from Very, a British online retailer, they post memes on their Instagram account regularly to engage with their customers. In this post, customers can relate their personal experience to the meme.

另一個來自 Totino 的例子,他們喜歡使用Memes來宣傳他們的產品。下面的模因是伯尼桑德斯在美國總統喬拜登的就職典禮上坐在社交距離上的病毒模因的衍生作品。

Another example from Totino's, they love using memes to advertise their products. The meme below is a derived work of the viral meme of Bernie Sanders sitting social distant in US President Joe Biden's inauguration ceremony.

2.廣告中的電影參考 標誌性的電影角色或場景已經在觀眾心中紮下了深刻的印象。如果公司銷售的產品與任何具有代表性的電影角色或場景相匹配,這可能是一種推廣產品的明智方式。 例如,MTN Dew 引用了恐怖電影《閃靈》中最具標誌性的場景,並將其重新製作成一則幽默的廣告。原版電影中有一個可怕的“約翰尼來了”場景,主角約翰尼用錘子殺死了他的妻子。 MTN Dew 使用了演員拿著錘子讓他的妻子嘗試 MTN Dew 飲料的相同場景。當觀眾第一次看到改編自《閃靈》的場景時,可能會期待一個令人毛骨悚然的廣告,然而,從恐怖到幽默的情節轉折給觀眾帶來了一些新的和意想不到的驚喜。

2. Movie reference in advertising

Iconic movie characters or scenes have rooted a strong image in audiences’ minds. If the product the company is selling matches any representative movie character or scene, this might be a smart way to promote your product.

For example, MTN Dew used a reference from the most iconic scene from the horror movie “The Shining”, and recreated it into a humorous advertisement. The original movie featured this horrific “here’s Johnny” scene where the main character, Johnny, was using a hammer to kill his wife. MTN Dew used the same scene where the actor was taking a hammer to ask his wife to try MTN Dew drink. Audiences might be expecting a creepy advertisement when first seeing the adaptation of the scene from “The Shining”, however, the plot twists from horror to humour surprise audiences with something new and unexpected.

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此外,All-Electric Cadillac LYRIQ 通過參考電影“剪刀手愛德華”來宣傳他們的產品,免提汽車。電影中的愛德華是一個剪刀手的合成人,由於他的獨特性,他在日常生活中面臨著許多掙扎。在凱迪拉克廣告中使用這個參考是為了強調他們的免提汽車適合所有類型的人,即使是最具標誌性的剪刀手愛德華。

To add on, All-Electric Cadillac LYRIQ promotes their product, hand free car, by using a reference of the movie, Edward Scissorhands. In the movie, Edward is a synthetic man with scissor hands, he faces many struggles in daily life because of his uniqueness. The use of this reference in the Cadillac advertisement is to emphasise that their hand free car is suitable to all types of people, even the most iconic, Edward Scissorhands.

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3. 大膽而新奇 害怕大膽?擔心您頭腦中的想法會被客戶接受或太奇怪而無法處理?事實上,顧客對典型的洗髮水廣告感到厭煩,廣告中有一位女演員秀發秀發並朗讀產品的特點,他們想要一些新鮮有趣的東西。一個成功的奇葩廣告可以吸引觀眾的注意力,給觀眾留下深刻印象,所以大膽打破常規,說不定會有意想不到的效果。 在這則廣告中,宜家展示了一個令人震驚的推銷嬰兒床的方式,他們要求顧客在他們的雜誌上撒尿,如果他們的顧客懷孕了,就會出現一個紅色的折扣價。懷孕並接受測試的客戶可以享受嬰兒床的優惠價格。

3. Be bold and bizarre

Afraid to be bold? Worry that your ideas in your head will be unacceptable to customers or too weird for them to handle? The truth is, customers are bored of the typical shampoo advertisement featuring an actress flexing their hair and reading out the features of the products, they want something new and intriguing. A successful quirky advertisement can grab attention and impress your audiences, so go ahead and break the rules, you might be able to get an unexpected result.

In this advertisement, IKEA showed an astounding approach to promote their baby crib, they asked their customers to pee on their magazine, if their customers are pregnant, a red discounted price will appear. Customers who are pregnant and did the test can enjoy a discounted price for the baby crib.

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Speaking of bizarreness, I think we can all agree that Japanese advertisements have the most impressively funny and weird advertisements. Take Tsuruya Co.'s kawara roof tiles advertisement as an example, the advertisement featured a bunch of men holding hands and sticking together under extreme weathers. The advertisement is promoting the high durability of their company's roof tiles, which can withstand all the extreme weather, such as earthquakes, typhoons and fire break. This advertisement even won the Cannes Silver Lion 2017 in the Film TV/Cinema Film category for Household Goods, Home Appliances & Furnishings category, showing a huge success.

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4.自嘲 自嘲是一種有趣的宣傳內容製作方式,取笑自己品牌的標誌性特徵,可以讓客戶覺得公司隨和、幽默。這種俏皮的廣告方式讓顧客開懷大笑,並吸引他們繼續觀看。 嘉士伯以其自我貶低的廣告而聞名。在“溝通”廣告系列中,嘉士伯利用他們在推特上收到的對其品牌的負面評論,並通過改變措辭給他們帶來了一點扭曲。這種方法成功地為他們的新產品製造了噪音,也提高了他們的品牌知名度。

4. Self depreciation

Self deprecation is an interesting approach for creating promotional content, making fun of the iconic feature of one's own brand can make customers feel that the company is easy going and has a good sense of humor. This playful approach of advertising gives customers a good laugh and attracts them to keep watching.

Carlsberg is famous for its self depreciating ads. In the "Communicate" ad series, Carlsberg used the bad comments of their brand they received on Twitter and gave them a little twist by changing the wordings. This approach successfully created noise for their new product and also increased their brand awareness.

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演員亞當·德賴弗總是被網友嘲笑長著一張“馬臉”。在這個一分鐘長的廣告中,亞當德賴弗騎著馬奔跑,最後變成了半人馬。這則廣告受到許多人的稱讚,因為 Adam Driver 在自嘲的同時又不失 Burberry 一直保持的精緻和時尚的品牌定位。

The actor, Adam Driver, is always mocked by netizens for having a “horse face”. In this minute long advertisement, Adam Driver is running with a horse and turns into a centaur in the end. The advertisement is praised by many as Adam Driver makes fun of himself yet not losing the sophisticated and high fashioned brand positioning Burberry has maintained.

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結論 沒有人討厭有趣的廣告,尤其是在這個困難時期,廣告中的幽默可以發揮強大的作用,是一種聰明的做法,可以在觀眾心中留下深刻的印象。幽默遠沒有你想像的那麼費力,按照以上方法輕鬆搞定! 請繼續關注 Allua 的下一個數字營銷內容博客!訪問我們的網站並聯繫我們獲取多媒體營銷解決方案


No one hates a funny advertisement, especially under this hard time, humour in advertising can be powerful and is a smart approach and leaves a strong impression in audiences’ minds. Being humorous requires far less effort than you might think, follow the above methods for an easy way!

Stay tuned for Allua’s next blog for digital marketing content! Visit our site and contact us for multi-media marketing solutions.



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